Friday, October 23, 2020

Filled it a need in my heart, right now...

This is a gorgeous hands-on book. There is vellum between the pages. You read a page to your right and turn the vellum to read the page to your left. The vellum has detail on it which is part of the picture to the right and cojoins the picture to the left when you turn it. The artist, Beatrice Alemagna, lives in Paris, France and is from Bologna, Italy. You can feel the beauty of Europe when you are reading this book!
She dedicates this book "to the one who thinks that everything falls apart".
The ending of the book states that there is one thing that never goes away. Expressed by a picture of a hug, it is simply referring to LOVE. This actually made me cry. (I am so overtired from the COVID crisis.) Beautiful sentiment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Monday, October 5, 2020



I cried my eyes out on Saturday and Sunday of this past weekend and it really did help me to get back on track. The words from the afterword are on target: "Learning to be with ourselves as we experience feelings--understanding how to weather our inner storms--is an invaluable practice, one we can learn and teach our families." Crying is like the rain--refreshing and a re-set. What a good lesson for ALL of us.