Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Romping of animals makes us happy!


Julie Flett is a Cree-Metis author and illustrator. This gorgeous book is a celebration of animals--their movements and antics--and how humans enjoy playing, too! Cree words are introduced in this book. The pictures are very inviting in this pretty, inclusive book.

Thursday, December 9, 2021


Adorable! Gertie is a small yak and wishes she was big. Her mother explains to her that “being big” is not just about being large. Gertie is invited to rescue “the teeniest yak” and she is able to accomplish the task because she is small. This teaches her the lesson about liking the size she is and working with that. When Gertie is devising a GROWING-UP PLAN she decides to read books. This is my favorite quote from the story:
“And she read lots of books to make her thoughts grow (because grown-ups have big things to think and to know).” Too true!
The pictures are delightful with wonderful, comical expressions on the faces of the yaks!