Sunday, June 30, 2019

Apology & Forgiveness

I loved the concept but not the layout. The first half of the book are the apologies and the second half of the book are the responses. So the reader is flipping back and forth to see how the apologies were received. I think the format would have been more inviting if the apology and the response were side by side. Both the apologies and responses are wonderfully unique and sincere. A favorite pairing is one where a girl apologizes to her sister for physically hurting her and her sister responds by saying, " I am still pissed off at you." What could be more realistic?! Still marveling over this book and how to utilize it with students or have it as a model for conflict resolution in some way. Wouldn't it be a wonder, especially on the world stage, if people made it a habit to exchange poems of apology and forgiveness? We can dream!

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