Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Learning about sijo from Linda Sue Park

This book was so cool. New to me is this kind of poem called a sijo that is a longstanding Korean tradition. Of course, sijos in English have a sound and style all their own. This would be so fun to do with students! Read these sijos aloud for ideas and then have them compose and read their own.
Or YOU (any age readers & writers out there) can definitely try your own!
In its most common form, a sijo in English has three lines, each with 14 to 16 syllables.
My favorite (probably because of this moment in time) was called IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT!
What is the important announcement? Spring is here!

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Yay for eggs with personality!!!

You cannot control others' behavior, only your own. But sometimes they will miss you when you are not there! You cannot choose family, but you can take a break from them. Big life lessons in a fun picture book!
Happy Easter, 2020.
Happy Easter, 2020! I hope I can use this with children in 2021. They will enjoy looking for the hidden eggs. We met these eggs in THE GOOD EGG by the same author & illustrator. Favorite lines: "But the most fun of all? A chance to frolic with your friends."

It's Easter and we are in a pandemic and I love this!

Everybody needs an adventure and everybody needs a place to roost. Perfect.