Thursday, October 10, 2024

Fiction reading like non-fiction


This is an outstanding book that easily explains supply chains to kids in a colorful and happy format. The information is easily digestible (yes, bad pun!) and gives the fuller picture of where our food comes from: the steps prior to us purchasing items at our supermarket. There is a refrain pattern throughout the book to keep the reader and/or audience focused. Highly recommend to pair this 'fiction reads like non-fiction' picture book with the hit "Peanut Butter and Jelly" illustrated by Nadine Bernard Westcott.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024


 This book has an old-fashioned feel and is very sweet. The pictures are charming. We fall in love with Pretzel who is a mega-length dachshund. He uses this physical attribute to make a daring rescue of another dachshund named Greta. They eventually marry--the picture of all of the dogs going to the wedding is delightful!

Monday, September 23, 2024

Think, feel, do! Taco learns a lesson or two and so do we!


A terrific book where Taco is stressed and overworked and feels like he is falling apart. Enter the other ingredients that make a taco: they are cheerful, encouraging, and uplifting. Nacho takes control and explains to Taco the THINK--FEEL--DO method of retraining negative thoughts. The Reader's Note is cool, too. It has a section headed "One-sided thinking" with 5 examples of how we do this so that we can re-think when these kinds of thoughts enter our heads. Excellent!

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

A warm, cozy, friendly, kind book!

 This delightful bear named Karhu has super organizational skills! He really wants to attend the Mukluk Ball.
Step one: get mukluks. How to do that? Earn money by selling blueberries. This enterprising bear makes extra income by giving bear hugs!
Step two: Learn how to dance. How to do that? Friends are willing to teach him different dances.
Step three: How to wake up for the dance? Enlist the help of his owl friend Zazaa to wake him up on January 15 for the Mukluk Ball--that will be in the midst of hibernation!
Everything works to plan and the Shagawa Square Dancers take Karhu back to his cave after the dance is over. They pull him on a dogsled with Zazaa leading the way! Then Karhu is back to pleasant dreams!
Loved loved loved this book. It was not seasonal for summer necessarily but a terrific "dance" story nonetheless!

***The artwork is very pretty in this book. I especially loved the end papers.


Monday, August 12, 2024

Olympics worthy--cool!

 How this came up in summer Olympics week I don't know! Serendipity! A very different, clever picture book. A boy and his dog go fishing but their "catches" are capitalized red letters. They are trying really hard to spell F-I-S-H and they succeed! Turns out they need those letters to complete the "Finish Line" sign for a run. Wonderful! Kids were able to connect this to the Olympics! 


Thursday, July 11, 2024

Beautiful art work featuring colorful, whimisical birds!


This gorgeous, stunning book is a visual feast. Each bird is portrayed as an adjective. The cover/title shows a baby bird saying "Surprise." This book is a beautiful surprise!

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Slow down!

This is a perfect tribute to the "slow down" movement!!! Adults and kids get the message, and they like it. There are benefits to slowing down and not being in a rush or on the go all the time. And the little girl in the book (in a heartbreaking way) thanks sloth for "the best day ever". Thankfully, her parents learn that slowing down is not just good for their daughter but it is good for them!